“The early bird gets the worm.”
As naturally lazy creatures looking to conserve energy in every way possible, the ‘quick fix’ is universally appealing. As opposed to the tried and true methods of a disciplined work ethic, we will often spend more time avoiding work than the time it takes to actually to do what needs to be done. We want to lose weight, so we take stimulants instead of eating whole foods lower in caloric density. We want to become rich, so we gamble instead of saving our money and investing in ourselves. In both of these cases the route with the least probability of ultimate failure is often the hardest route. You can lose weight using drugs, and you can get rich winning the lottery. But the chances of that working out for you in the long run is much less likely than if you were to get started on the tasks which you have been procrastinating.
There is no magic pill when it comes to turning your plans into actions. There is nothing that will allow you to circumvent the journey towards success. However, there are tools that can ease your travels on the road towards greatness. In the quest for a more fulfilling life, there are few habits that are as effective as waking up early. The benefits of waking up earlier include but are not limited to those mentioned below.
Benefits of waking up early
Better sleep (circadian rhythms)
Circadian rhythms refer to our biological clock; the endogenous physiological rhythms that dictate our hormone production throughout the day. If you listen to this clock, your body will function better. Most of us require at least 7 hours of sleep a night. So in your efforts to wake up earlier, you will go to sleep earlier, which will naturally put you in line with your circadian rhythm (increased melatonin production). As a result you will average more hours of restful sleep.
Increased energy and vitality (circadian rhythms)
Better sleep will naturally lead to increased energy throughout the day. Not only that but you will be healthier for it. Sleep has been shown to increase immune function, exhibit neuroprotective effects, reduce the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and helps to maintain a healthy weight
I have listed some of the rituals you can incorporate into your morning routine that will make the rest of the day better by increasing your productivity and focus, while reducing your stress.
If you find yourself getting up in the morning and rushing to work without eating breakfast, getting up earlier will allow you the time to eat some food. Breakfast is a key ingredient in having stable energy levels throughout the day. Although there is evidence in support of intermittent fasting, suggesting that you go ahead and skip breakfast. You can just avoid having a late dinner, which will still leave you with a 16 - 18 hour period of fasting. This way you can still get the benefits of breakfast while avoiding habitual consumption of stimulants like caffeine to get your day started like so many people do.
Meditation is underrated, the benefits are subtle but they permeate through your day to day being. By meditating you prime your day for productivity because you will have clear mind that is less prone to distraction and reactionary behavior. However there is contradictory evidence that suggests meditation may lower your motivation in the workplace as you realize the futility of your job.
When you are waking up earlier you will have more more time to devote on your hobbies or projects without being bogged down by the days responsibilities. I would suggest devoting some of this extra time to some form of movement practice (running, yoga, weight training etc.). There are so many benefits to exercise in the morning. It promotes better sleep by reducing parasympathetic nerve activity, and will increase your resistance to fatigue, helping you stay focused for the rest of the day.
Now that we know the benefits, how can we start waking up earlier? Creating a schedule to follow works well. Waking up at the same time every morning will give you better mood and increased energy as you will be in tune with your circadian rhythm. You want to set a bedtime, there is no magic number but I encourage you to consider being in bed around 11pm at the latest. One of the ways to ensure that you have an easier time falling asleep is to limit screen time and mentally stimulating activities before bedtime.
Remember it is OK to have late nights, you just don’t want to have them consistently. Consistency equals results, and consistent late nights equal fatigue and possible dependence on stimulants. It works both ways, overuse of stimulants can lead to a vicious cycle of poor sleep and subsequent stimulant use.
Waking up early is often said to ‘not be for everyone’ but considering that our circadian rhythms are more influenced by our environment than our genetics, I believe that we can make it work. And in our efforts to do so, we have more time to create the life we want for ourselves.
Extra tip: If you are having trouble getting out of bed, countdown from 5 to 1. This is the 5 Second Rule, the science behind this concept is that you are not giving yourself enough time to change your mind. It commits you and gives you confidence in making the hard but necessary choices we need to make in our lives. Remember to count down from 5, because if you count up you can just keep going 5, 6, 7… 100… 1000.